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Research Involvement

Kat Williams Autistic UK Research Lead 


Researcher and Non-Exec Director at Autistic UK


Kat is a PhD student researching the role of communication in access to healthcare. . She leads Autistic UK’s research involvement, most recently working on a number of projects with Dr Aimee Grant from Swansea University.


Their most recent paper regarding autistic women’s experiences of infant feeding has been widely publicised in the media including being the lead story on BBC Wales lunchtime news.


An accessible summary of the findings can be found here.


Kat is also on the Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 List for 2021.



Kat's Publications:


Grant, A., Griffiths, C. and Williams, K. 2023. How autistic parents feel about breastfeeding and the support they receive – new research. Available at: [Accessed: 9 November 2023].


Grant, A., Griffiths, C., Williams, K. and Brown, A. 2023. “It felt like I had an old fashioned telephone ringing in my breasts”: An online survey of UK Autistic birthing parents’ experiences of infant feeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition doi: 10.1111/mcn.13581.


Ellis, R., Williams, K., Brown, A., Healer, E. and Grant, A. 2023. A realist review of health passports for Autistic adults. Mahmoud, A. B. ed. PLOS ONE 18(9), p. e0279214. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279214.


Woods, R., Williams, K. and Watts, C. 2023. “Profound autism”: The dire consequences of diagnostic overshadowing. Autism Research, pp. 1–2. doi: 10.1002/aur.2985.


Grant, A., Williams, G., Williams, K. and Woods, R. 2023. Unmet need, epistemic injustice and early death: how social policy for Autistic adults in England and Wales fails to slay Beveridge’s Five Giants. In: Cefalo, R., Rose, M., and Jolly, A. eds. Social Policy Review 35: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2023. Social Policy Review. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 239–257. Available at:


Grant, A. and Williams, K. 2023. ‘Dehumanising policies’ leave autistic people struggling to access health, education and housing – new review. Available at: [Accessed: 30 June 2023].


Grant, A., Jones, S., Williams, K., Leigh, J. and Brown, A. 2022. Autistic women’s views and experiences of infant feeding: A systematic review of qualitative evidence. Autism, pp. 1–12. doi: 10.1177/13623613221089374.

Research Requests


At Autistic UK , we are often asked to get involved in research .


In recent years there has been an increase in not only participatory research but also research that is led by autistic and neurodivergent academics.


Autistic UK have been involved in research in various  ways either in an advisory role, as participants, sensitivity readers or sitting on advisory panels and also by helping to disseminate research.


If you would like us to consider sharing your research please read Autistic UK’s Research Sharing Criteria here 

What We Look For in Research


Autistic Led and Designed Research  

Participatory Research  

Neuro affirming language  

Community Involvement  

MARG The Maternity Autism Research Group


With our current interest in healthcare, we have involvement with a great group of Health Professionals and Researchers working together to improve maternity care for Autistic women and people

They aim to  improve the experiences of Autistic people accessing services related to pregnancy and early parenting by signposting information and resources.


Kat Williams our research lead is part of the research team and our chair was honored to be asked to help plan the launch event 
MARG  are currently putting together a website with helpful resources and links to research 


You can find out more from their website here 


You can watch the organisations launch event here



















Autism from Menstruation to Menopause 

Autistic UK and Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales are research partners  in a very exciting research project which is been led by Dr Aimee Grant 
Dr Aimee Grant, an Autistic academic, in collaboration with researchers at the Centre for Lactation, Infant Feeding and Translational Research, has been working with Autistic people to understand the differences in Autistic experiences of healthcare, including in relation to pregnancy, pregnancy loss and breastfeeding. Her Wellcome Trust fellowship, Autism from menstruation to menopause will work with Autistic people to understand their everyday lives and reproductive health needs for eight years. 


The project aims to create new understandings of reproductive health experiences of Autistic women and others with wombs across the lifecourse. This includes things like periods, contraception, endometriosis and other gynaecological conditions, and menopause.

The project is Autistic led and is co-governed by a Community Council of Autistic people.

Read More Here  Autism from Menstruation to Menopause (


You can hear Dr Aimee Grant talking about her research here  Episode 8: How can we improve healthcare for autistic people? - Swansea University 

These are just a few of the study’s we are involved in and look forward to being asked to participate and collaborate on many more  


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